How to Write a Wedding Brochure: The Ultimate Guide for Wedding Venues

Written by Olivia de Santos
Having matched couples with their dream wedding venues for several years, I can tell you that it’s not your Instagram feed that makes the sale. A well-written brochure is crucial.

I have seen some wonderful wedding venue brochures in my time. Ones that bond with the right couple with spellbinding words and vivid description. Then there are some that don’t do the venue justice at all. The venue has so much potential but falters in the marketing material. To fix those common mistakes, this is your quintessential guide to wedding venue brochures. I’ll show you why you need one and how to craft a brochure that speaks to your ideal couple. Let’s dive in!

Why Do You Need A Wedding Brochure?

Many wedding venues I’ve worked with don’t see the value in brochures. Why spend the extra time and effort designing a brochure when your website has all of the information?

It’s better to think of your website as the aperitives and your brochure as the main meal. Yes, they’ll both satiate to a degree, but your brochure is where your clients fill their bellies. Your website is simply an introduction to who you are. Your brochure tells more of your story and the details that your couples need to seal the deal.

Clients at the brochure stage are people who have signalled solid interest in your wedding venue. This is a prime chance to romance them. Below are my golden rules on how to craft a wedding brochure that wins you the right clients every time.

5 Golden Rules For Writing An Exceptional Wedding Venue Brochure

Define your ideal client

I feel your eyes roll through the screen. Every piece of marketing advice on the web starts with this old chestnut. Your wedding venue welcomes all. Why should you need to define your ideal couple?

The simple answer is, if you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll appeal to no one.

And in your heart of hearts, you do have an ideal couple. If you have an exposed brick warehouse venue in East London, your dream clients are likely different to the thatched country manor house in Norfolk. Get clear on who you’re speaking to and pen copy that speaks to them.

Take your future couples on a journey

A well-written brochure starts at the macro and zooms into the micro. Set the scene. Orientate your couple with a few words about your location and history, before introducing the building itself. Then walk your couple through the rooms, grounds and what you offer. Finally close with sample menus, fees and booking process. Ideally, you can weave the tale of your wedding venue and your client’s wedding vision under 15 pages. Think of it as a journey from page to page.

“A well-written brochure starts at the macro and zooms into the micro.”

Present your prices with pride

Your brochure should naturally give your clients more information than on the website. Many couples who download or request your brochure will expect to see a fee guide of some kind. Avoid vagueness as it can turn off a lot of potential clients. If you create custom proposals depending on the client’s wants, try a “from £X” line after each element or simply write:

“Each one of our weddings is different so we calculate our fees depending on your desires. On average our clients spend £Xk. Please get in contact with us for a bespoke quote.”

An uncomfortable line I see often in wedding brochures is “we charge £X because we reinvest the money into the care of our grounds/we hire expert catering teams to craft the perfect menu/we’re dedicated to excellent service and spectacular upkeep”.

I understand the theory behind this but explaining why you charge what you charge creates doubt in the clients. It’s better to state your pricing cleanly. Be confident in those prices without feeling the need to over-explain.

Fewer operations, more story

A common pitfall I see in some wedding venue brochures is overly operational text.


  • “We charge an extra fee for staff during Bank holidays and national holidays due to labour costs.”
  • “We close for maintenance every November and January and therefore only accept small parties on the grounds.”
  • “Please find below our fee structure which covers our maintenance, labour and catering costs to bring about your wedding.”

Cringe. I guarantee, your client cares very little about the operational jargon. What they want to know is why they should choose your venue. What service can they expect? How passionate are you about hosting beautiful weddings?

Getting bogged down in the operations makes your role as a wedding venue sound clinical. Prioritise storytelling to maximise your connection with your potential couple through your words.

Don’t overlook the aesthetics

I know that my job is to convince you that words matter most. They do to some degree, but wedding couples, in particular, are enticed by polished products. If your brochure looks dated with fuzzy, unfocussed photography, it will put off the couples who love your story. The writing is the substance but the fonts and photos are the delicious dressing needed to entice your clients.

And that’s it! I hope this article has given you confidence as a marketing wordsmith. Go forth and create a winning brochure that will resonate with your ideal wedding couple.

Need some help?

If you’re still stuck, don’t worry!

We are happy to help you. From brochure design to copywriting projects we work with a select team of creatives.

Olivia retired as a wedding planner this year to dedicate her writing talents to venues like you, looking to boost their online presence with wedding couples. Olivia can help with defining your voice and crafting high-quality brochures that draw in your clients.

Feel free to contact the Coco Wedding Venues team to enquire about venue consulting and copywriting for your wedding venue!

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